Tic With It July 11, 1998
Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc. Archives
Detroit-East Michigan Chapter

POHI and Your Child
by Barb Schmatz

Parents, be aware that if your child has behavior difficulties and the label POHI, it may be in his or her best interest to keep this label.

The new I.D.E.A. reads that if there has been 10 days of suspension, a manifestation determination must be convened within 10 days, before a change of placement can be implemented by the school. This is to determine if the infraction is the result of a disability. The school will then reconvene the I.E.P. to consider a change in placement.

This can result in a reclassification of E.I. (Emotionally Impaired). This label, while in some cases means more accomodations, can also mean that the child could be placed in a Day Treatment program.

Day Treatment is for meeting the needs of emotionally impaired children and not necessarily the least restrictive environment for our Tourette children. If this is an issue for you, I suggest that you become very informed before allowing this to happen. Contact UCP's parents training parents program for more information on the new law.

Usually a behavior plan addressing the needs of your child and all other accomodations are exhausted before a change in placement can be implemented. As parents, we need to know the laws and not allow any changes to be made if this is not in our child's best interest. You can sign an I.E.P. in disagreement, but if you do not sign it within 7 days they can implement it anyhow.

The number for U.C.P. is 248-557-5070. They also have training programs for parents regarding Special Education law. BE INFORMED!!!! and trust your instincts.

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