Tic With It August 30, 1999
Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc. Archive
Detroit-East Michigan Chapter

From the President's Desk
Art Abbott

Fall is upon us and school is back in session. We hope you've had a great summer. Certainly the families and kids that came canoeing and camping in July, and to the family picnic at Four Bears Waterpark on August 15 with the TS Association have some fun highlights to share with friends and classmates.

Upcoming Events. Note these important dates on your family calendar.

The Grand Night at The Auction. Chairperson Michelle and committee have been working very hard on this important event. Don't miss it! It is important to the Chapter as the only major fund-raiser until the spring Bowl-A-Thon, and the success of the Educator's Seminar depends on it. Hope to see you at Le Metro on October 18.

Under separate articles in this edition you will find information on :

Call this TSA Chapter (248-577-0872) for more information.

Lots going on, lots to do and lots of openings on committees. Please consider giving a hand with some of these Chapter activities. We can always use some more volunteers. Give a call. Don't wait to be asked.

See you all at the Auction October 18.

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